“Edinburg” by Eveline Josselyn (2022)

The Visionary

Zahria Ford (2023)

 Listen to the author

Turning and observing

I’m learning of my surroundings.

Around me, I see the sidewalks,

younguns hopscotch while adults watch.

Teeth gleaming in the sunlight

but it ain’t right, cause their eyes

put their insides in the limelight.

You can see it, right?

As I walk down my path,

envision future and past

the last thing I recall

are the kids and the adults.

When did I stop playing on playgrounds,

joke around real loud

and run with the crowd?

Look around.

Can you sense the change brewing?

Our bodies aging and dreams renewing?

The air strong and thickening,

chaotic potential flickering,

lightning flash quickening,

the plot, so sickening!

Which tree to strike?

What land to hit?!

But... I can’t leave the cloud yet.

The cloud is safe... and stable.

It’s where most stay.

But I know I’m meant to go another way.

Why do so many choose

the same crowded cloud?

Craving the climb up, rise up, sky’s up!

Are they happy being so high up?

I often wonder,

will my adulthood be legendary?

Am I working well with time?

Do I still have the life kids show in their eyes?

Look around.

Where should we be?

Do we strike trees, or blow leaves,

or float around peacefully?

Do we bounce with the sea,

paint the sky shades of pretty in the evening,

or pitter patter on the pavement patiently

‘til the water’s to our knees?

Look around.

What do you see?

See the extraordinary,

change the ordinary,

be the visionary.
